Friday, March 7, 2008

The Cyclicality of It All

I'm starting to believe that training involves cycles not only of intensity and phase but general well being. I must say that for the 3 weeks prior to Coogans I was not feeling great physically. I had on and off general pain in the butt, lower back pain, and something new: sore calves. I really cut back the mileage the 5 days before the race and I am convinced that not only did it enable me to PR @ Coogans but also allowed my body to get the recovery it was craving. I think we all tend to feel guilty about cutting mileage and missing workouts but I must say I've read over and over the importance of rest. The importance of giving your body recovery time cannot be over looked. Its critical. That rest period I gave myself I think also resulted in some of my best, fastest and enjoyable training runs since Coogans. I had a run on Tuesday where I can tell you that runner's high kicked in..I was flying and I know it was endorphins. I hope this cycle continues and stretches itself out.

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